stock speculation bundle

What's included?

Deep-dive into every facet of successful stock speculation. Learn a system that builds on how the markets really work, whether you’re a complete beginner or already have some experience. 

Reap the knowledge of studying 140 years of stock market history, indices and leading stocks.

Access the wisdom of eminent speculators, including Baruch, Livermore, Keene, Dreyfus and many others, unified into a single system and updated to modern times.

Chart Reading

Learn how to read stock charts like a pro, using only price and volume as a lens to make decisions.

financial iconoclasm

Dispense with popular beliefs about fundamental analysis. Learn about the true linchpin that drives stocks far and high.

Risk Control

Learn how to manage risk in individual stocks and across your account.

Money Management

Learn how and when to enter, manage, pyramid, hold or exit positions, and how to supercharge profits at low risk.

Market Health

Learn to read the market's vital signs - to know when to be in, and when to wait on the sidelines.

Zen & Psychology

Learn how to deal with the biggest enemy of your performance - yourself.

Stock Picking

Learn to spot winners early, and separate the wheat from the chaff.

Stock screening

Learn the principles that apply to any screening software to find the needle in the haystack.


Integrate all elements like a clockwork into a cohesive approach of speculation

Chart Reading

Learn how to read stock charts like a pro, using only price and volume as a lens to make decisions.

Financial Iconoclasm

Dispense with popular beliefs about fundamental analysis. Learn about the true linchpin that drives stocks far and high.

Risk Control

Learn how to manage risk in individual stocks and across your account.​

Money Management

Learn how and when to enter, manage, pyramid, hold or exit positions, and how to supercharge profits at low risk.

Market Health

Learn to read the market's vital signs - to know when to be in, and when to wait on the sidelines.

Zen & Psychology

Learn how to deal with the biggest enemy of your performance - yourself.

Stock Picking

Learn to spot winners early, and separate the wheat from the chaff.

Stock screening

Learn the principles that apply to any screening software to find the needle in the haystack.


Integrate all elements like a clockwork into a cohesive approach of speculation

Free Guides: A Framework for Speculation In Stocks

Get a basic understanding of what drives stocks up fast, how trends are formed and by whom, and how to capitalize on them.

Premium Guides:
the Integrated Toolbox of The Pro Speculator

Follow up the free intro-level guides with >85 in-depth guides containing >400 annotated charts and >100 tailored illustrations

  • Learn the 8 criteria to triage the absolute elite stocks in any market against the 99% noise
  • Learn the secret of exhaustive pyramiding to exploit extremely low risk/reward ratios: Rake in profits in multiples of 50x to 150x of the amount of money risked – e.g. risk only $1K in a single trade to make $50k to >$150k using a $100k account
  • Master market health and the in’s & out’s of low-risk entry points – await the perfect odds like a cheetah on the prowl 
  • 12 months support: Ask me anything!
  • … and much much more!

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